Malaysian Immigration Services


Confidentiality = Highest Standard of Ethics

Real Time Immigration (“RTI” or “we”) values your trust in us and respects the need to maintain the security and confidentiality of information that you provide to us, whether or not you are a RTI client, a registered user or a visitor to our website. By submitting or providing your Personal Data, you consent to the use of your Personal Data collected by RTI and all persons involved in the provision of services, recruitment and communicating with you, in the manner as set out in this Notice.

RTI shall have the right to modify, update or amend the terms of this Notice at any time by placing the updated Notice on the Website. By continuing to communicate with RTI or by continuing to use RTI’s services following the modifications, updates or amendments to this Notice shall signify your acceptance of such modifications, updates or amendments.

1. Collection of Personal Data

We collect only personally identifiable information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by you. We receive various types of private and Personal Data in the course of your communicating with RTI or by continuing to use RTI’s services, including but not limited to the following:-

a. name, address, NRIC, Title, company address, email address, account number, telephone and fax numbers; and

b. any information which may identify you, your spouse or family members

In addition to the Personal Data you provide to RTI directly, RTI may also collect your Personal Data from a variety of sources, including without limitation at any meetings, events, conferences, seminars or talks organised or sponsored or attended by RTI and/or from the cookies used on the website (kindly refer to 8. Cookies and log files section below).

From time to time you may also voluntarily provide RTI with unsolicited personal information – that is, other than where RTI has requested same (for example, through the RTI websites). If you do wish to provide such information for any reason, you consent to RTI using that information in the ways described in this Privacy Notice or as described at the point where you choose to disclose this information.  Further, when providing such unsolicited information, we ask that you not provide any sensitive information.

2. Purpose of Personal Data collected

We may collect, use and process your Personal Data for the purposes in connection with the services you have requested and for the activities you have attended or enquired which shall include but not limited to:-

  • provide services to you

  • recruitment purposes

  • participate in "join our mailing list" initiatives

  • participate in bulletin boards, discussion or message forums

  • contact us for further information

  • internal administrative purposes

  • enter Quick Surveys, Quiz's or Benchmarking Surveys

  • register for events and conferences

  • distribute requested reference materials

  • subscribe to newsletters

  • to download documents or publications

  • maintaining our operations or client relationship management systems

  • marketing purposes

3. Disclosure 

It is RTI's policy only to disclose information to third parties under the following circumstances (not exhaustive):

  • As required by law through subpoena, search warrant or other legal process   

  • Other affiliate firms

  • Banks and financial institutions

  • Insurance providers

  • Any professional bodies

  • Any service providers

  • Any professional advisors and external auditors

  • When required to deliver publications or reference materials requested by you

  • When required to facilitate conferences or events hosted by a third party.

We recognise that your information is valuable and we take all reasonable measures to protect your information while it is in our care.

4. Retention

The Personal Data you submit to RTI will only be retained for as long as is required for the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law. We retain Personal Data in accordance with RTI’s retention policy which is in line with the applicable law. 

5. Accuracy of Personal Data

When personally identifiable information is collected, RTI assumes responsibility for keeping an accurate and up-to-date record of the Personal Data once you have submitted and verified the data. RTI does not assume responsibility for verifying the ongoing accuracy of the content of Personal Data. If RTI is informed by you that any of your Personal Data which we have collected is no longer accurate, RTI will only make appropriate corrections based on the updated information provided by you. RTI is committed to providing reasonable and practical access to you for the opportunity to identify and correct any inaccuracies. When requested and practical, RTI will delete identifying information from current operational systems.  

If you would like the details of the Personal Data which you have submitted to us, you have a right of access to such information and you may contact us at We may charge a fee for a request for access in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

6. Security

RTI has implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. All RTI employees follow a network-wide security policy. In particular, we ensure that all appropriate confidentiality obligations and technical and organisational security measures are in place to prevent any unauthorised or unlawful disclosure or processing of such information and data and the accidental loss or destruction of or damage to such information and data. Only authorised persons are provided access to personally identifiable information.

7. Cross border transfer

Personal Data collected by RTI may be transferred to other individual RTI firms, which are member firms of the worldwide RTI organisation, where it is necessary (i) to meet the purpose for which you have submitted the information; or (ii) to enable you to be provided with information at a later date which may be of relevance and interest to you based on the nature and purpose of your requests; or (iii) maintaining our operations or client relationship management systems; or (iv) quality and risk management reviews; or (v) for marketing purposes. Your personal information may also be transferred to third party service providers who process information on RTI's behalf, including providers of information technology, identity management, website hosting and management, data analysis, data back-up, security and storage services. By submitting data to RTI, you are providing explicit consent for cross border transmission of data collected for the fulfilment of your requests. As a result, your personal information may be transferred outside the country where you are located. This includes countries that do not have laws that provide specific protection for personal information.

8. Cookies and log files

Cookies may be used on some pages of our site. "Cookies" are small text files placed on your hard drive that assist us in providing a more customised website experience. For example, a cookie can be used to store registration information in an area of the site so that a user does not need to re-enter it on subsequent visits to that area. It is RTI's policy to use cookies to make navigation of our websites easier for visitors and to facilitate efficient registration procedures. Site statistics are compiled by third parties, and therefore your IP address will be passed to third parties for statistical reporting only.

Where RTI collects information through our website, we automatically collect certain non-personal information regarding website use that does not identify you including but not limited to Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, the IP address of your Internet Service Provider, the date and time of your access to the website, the operating system you are using, the sections of the website you visit, the content you download from website and the internet address of the website from which you linked directly to RTI's website. RTI may use non-personal information to compile tracking information reports regarding site user demographics and site traffic patterns. None of the tracking information in the reports can be connected to your identities.

If you are concerned about cookies, most browsers permit individuals to decline cookies by changing the privacy settings on your browser. In most cases, a visitor may refuse a cookie and still fully navigate our websites, however other functionality in the site may be impaired. After termination of the visit to our site, you can always delete the cookie from your system if you wish.

In order to properly manage our website we may anonymously log information on our operational systems, and identify categories of visitors by items such as domains and browser types. These statistics are reported in the aggregate to our webmasters. This is to ensure that our website presents the best web experience for visitors and is an effective information resource.

9. Opting-out and Unsubscribe

You will be given the opportunity to ‘opt-out’ of having your Personal Data used for purposes not directly related to the services, website or the purpose at the point where RTI asks for your Personal Data. If you change your mind at any time about receiving information from us, you can send us an email message or follow the instructions set out in our email to you to unsubscribe. Please be aware that once we have received your request to unsubscribe, it may take up to fourteen (14) working days for us to process your request and to be reflected in our systems. Therefore, you may still receive marketing materials/communication during this period of time.

10. Customer Questions or Complaints

RTI honours its commitment to protect its customers' privacy. If you have any queries, concerns or complaints on customer information or services, please contact us at the following address:-

Real Time Immigration
Unit C-12-4, Level 12, Block C 
Megan Avenue Il
12 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng
50450 Kuala Lumpur

T: +60 (3) 2711 0073
F: +60 (3) 2711 9378
